VIP Select
Is This You?
Are you at a stage in life where time is your most precious asset?
Do you prioritize quality over cost and seek to delegate your quest for love? Equipped with self-awareness and emotional intelligence, you are clear on what you desire in a partner.
Committed to finding a lasting connection, you're prepared to invest in a premium service that delivers exceptional matches with minimal involvement.
Quality and ultimate success are your primary goals, even if it means exploring a wider selection. You value flexibility and refuse to be constrained by minimum or maximum numbers of introductions.
Membership privileges
Lifestyle Photoshoot
Image/Make-up/Wardrobe session
Individual kick-off session
Dedicated Matchmaker and recruiter
Unlimited Recruited matches
Concierge services: Date planning, coordination and experience
Date feedback sessions
Daters Society group coaching, events, and community chat if desired
How it works:
Admission Call: To determine if our program aligns with your requirements, ensuring we only engage on contracts with individuals we can serve effectively and have a high chance of success together.
Success-Linked incentives: The applicant will define the level of investment for the desired outcomes and communicate to our team.
Admission Process: Our VIP membership is exceptionally exclusive, with members chosen based on rigorous criteria, including significant investment in success-linked incentives.
Contract and Payment: Upon acceptance into our VIP program, we will collaboratively review the agreement and discuss payment arrangements in detail.
Services Kick-off: We will schedule your initial session and services and start the recruitment process.
VIP Matchmaking: You will receive match proposals, and upon approval, we will curate the dates based on your availability.
Success Milestones: As a VIP member, you are responsible for notifying us when success milestones are reached with any match, whether recruited or met at our events. Upon notification, you'll make the corresponding payment for the milestone achieved with a match. After starting an exclusive relationship, your monthly subscription will cease, with only the success milestones remaining as your future commitment.
Invest in YOU - Invest in LOVE
Yearly admission investment: $1800
Monthly subscription: $287
Success Linked incentives: $TBD
(Right fit applicants will define incentive levels to be admitted in this membership.)
Define incentives - Stop Anytime.